by Ed Halmagyi


Like most people, I’m partial to a daydream. And like most of you, I can get lost imagining a better version of myself, one to which I aspire, the person I would like to be. In these moments I see myself as clean-living and wholesome, rippling from regular exercise, tee-totalling (it’s so much easier than you’d think…), spiritually-balanced from regular meditation, and holding fast to a diet of wholegrains, vegetables, and only the occasional meat (organic of course).

Deep in the fantasy, I’d eschew dessert as a temptation too far, savouring my biodynamic apple as being just perfect instead.

In short, I become a modern hippie, but thankfully without the stinky patchouli perfume.

Well newsflash! This world is not reality, and nor is it likely to become so any time soon. I love a whisky, can’t imagine living without a steak, haven’t the patience for quiet reflection, and have spent my career focussed on the production of every conceivable treat, both savoury and sweet.

Like I said, this fantasy is just a dream.

The real me thinks that indulgence is a pretty awesome thing, although to be honest, these days I don’t get quite so excited about sugary confections all that often – after 20 years of professional baking the urge just kind of left me.

That said, I do still have a soft spot for fudge, especially if it’s really good.

But anyone who has ever made fudge will tell you that the exercise is fraught with danger. The pot of simmering condensed milk can spot and flare, threatening to scorch your arms at any minute in a caramel burn.

So I decided to try my hand at making fudge in the microwave, and the results are fantastic! You find it takes a fraction of the time, and you can never harm yourself.

So best of all, that makes it the perfect thing to do with your kids. Indulge yourself in something really delicious – time spent with the little people you love. As for the fudge…..well that’s just the cream on top.
Simple chocolate fudge