Potage St Germain with Trevalla and Spring Vegetables

by Leah Halmagyi


  • 2 Tbsp cold unsalted butter
  • 1½ Tbsp plain flour
  • ½ cup dry vermouth
  • 2 cups hot chicken stock
  • 1 cup green peas
  • 1 cup butter lettuce leaves, taken from the heart of the lettuce
  • ¼ bunch parsley leaves
  • roasted trevalla, asparagus, zucchini and rouille, to serve


1 Cook the cold butter and flour in a medium saucepan for 2 minutes, until crumbly, then pour in the vermouth. Once smooth, add the chicken stock and simmer for 3 minutes. Mix in the peas, lettuce and parsley, cook for 2 minutes, then purée a stick blender until very smooth. Serve with roasted trevalla, vegetables and a spoon of rouille sauce.